maynk 🌊

Coding ? Ok or Nah


Should you start programming or coding? It really depends, as everyone will have different answers for this question. I guess it will be okay.

If you are learning to code just to make a living and then start a family with that salary, I think that would be silly. I'm not criticizing anyone for doing that, but it will make your life pretty boring and aimless.

What I would suggest is learning coding for something different than just getting a job. For example, I make video games using C++, and I think it gives me a certain kind of meaning to keep learning to code and stuff. If you can find your "north star," your life will never feel the same again.

The art of finding the thing that you would do for free is, in itself, the solo mission every human being is destined for. But since the day we are born on this planet, we are told to do this, do that, and do everything that you don't like but your parents/relatives/neighbors like. What kind of life is that? I say NO!

I will do what I want and I will make some money to make sure I can survive as well. But it does not mean that I will only do it so that I have a job and 8-9 years later will bring a naive girl like me to my home and try to start a family of my own. Nah man, this is too boring.

Find your north star, boys and girls, and live your life to the fullest.

Don't live someone's dream, live your dream so you don't tell your child to live your dreams because you were busy living your parents' dream.

Find the joy in doing what you do or do what you enjoy.

So yeah, coding is cool if you code for fun.

Goodbye! Siiiuuuuuu